CEO, founder &
board member
Jesper von Zweigbergk
- 15 y senior management
- Executive MBA, SAID Business School, Oxford University &
M.Sc. Economics, Lund University

CFO, founder &
C. Wilhelm Stang
- 17 y investment banking & corporate finance
- M.Sc. Economics, BI Norwegian Business School, Sandvika

Robert Salai
- Broad R&D experience with system design and software for industrial applications in both start-up setting and established industry
- M.Sc. Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Chief Scientific Officer
Josef Ellingsen
- Deep R&D experience
- Can build anything
- Ph.D. candidate Material Physics, University of Oslo & M.Sc. Nanotechnology, University Collage London

Project leader
Terje Gausel
- 30 y experience from operational, project and change leadership in early phase to mature companies
- Self made operational leader

Machine Vision Engineer
Elham Sheykhi
- Experimental and theoretical physicist, majored in optics
- Ph.D. Physics, Alzahra University & M.Sc. Physics, Shahid Beheshti University

Machine Vision Engineer
Ilya Berezin
- Nearly 20 y experience from industry automation in oil & gas before pivot to deep learning
- M.Sc. Industrial Automation, Murmansk State Technical University & M.Sc. candidate Applied AI, Luleå University of Technology

Sr. Electronics Engineer
Erik Lea
- 30 y experience from designing, developing, building & programming of electronics
- Ph.D. Optics & B.Eng. Electronics, University of Surrey

Mechanical Engineer
Karl Blakstad
- Mechanic by birth
- M.Sc. Industrial Engineering, Uppsala University

Development Engineer
Halvor Moe
- Background from Intelligent Systems
- Intrigued by the world of IoT
- B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence, Kristiania University College

Board member
Ketil Solvik Olsen
- Former Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications
Board member
Stig Kvalsvik
- 20 y experience as founder and owner of Alfaprint AS. Alfaprint is the European market leader in name-tag systems for the consumer market